Monday, July 12, 2010

It's time to get personal with the Tarot of the Day

The Ace of Pentacles rests like the moon on an outstretched hand. The moon is new right now, and I've smelled like iron for the past few days but so far, no menses, and it's been almost four months since I birthed my daughter, making it over a year since I've bled in my course. I never thought I would feel heartsick for menstruation.

I feel like I need to clear and cleanse to make room for this bounty coming in.

I don't usually associate the Ace of Pentacles with the moon, but it seemed connected somehow tonight. Maybe it's the raw energy aspect. Maybe it's simply that the Ace is suspended in the sky.

All the Aces are new beginnings, raw energy. The raw energy of earth is the impulse to work, to make manifest, to put thought, passion, and feeling into form. Birthing, physically and creatively. I once heard a songwriter describe his experience of writing like giving birth. He would seclude himself in his room, his communications would simplify, limited to his basic needs. He would only emerge when the song was ready. Men also have a womb. We all have a center, where our ideas generate.

I am grateful for my talents. I am grateful for this gift, though I am not sure what it means yet. I am grateful for the generosity of the Universe.

The Ace of Pentacles is also a gift, a new talent we discover which we never knew we had, or which has hidden in the recesses of our Self and we finally pull it out, dust it off and begin to hone it. Or maybe we decide to practice coin tricks.

Stasis. Peace. Fullness. This is the power of the Ace of Pentacles.

(image credit: Scott Malo:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Card of the Day: Queen of Cups

I feel relief any time I see this card. I feel the waters surrounding the Queen of Cups are warm and inviting, calm and refreshing to take a dip in.

She herself is calm, collected, and highly intuitive. She sees your soul when she looks into your eyes. She appears as the goddess in her healing aspect, saying, "Come to me, drink of this water, be healed, and thirst no more."

The appearance of the Queen of Cups signifies her presence in the seeker's life as well as a need to exhibit her qualities individually. For men, it means getting in touch with the feminine side, as well as the gentle reminder that She is there just under the surface. For women, it means getting in touch with our nurturing side, being a mother, and finding strength in our mothers. It is letting yourself be healed, and passing on a healing touch to a friend.

She also heralds the culmination of emotional change. Something has been growing under the surface, and now it is time for this change to step out of the primordial womb and be fully born into the world. It could be big as the first fish with legs, or it could be as small as a mitochondria. Either way, it brings new possibilities and secrets of the deep.

Image thanks to: The Dreamers Deck. More info at