Tarot helps people look at the future. On the surface, this seems like a simple process of memorization of symbols and key phrases. However, the Tarot itself holds a potential of awe-inspiring enlightenment, and holds important messages for the querent that are sometimes better summarized by the card itself than by any phrases associated with the card. Gazing at the picture on the 7 of Wands, for example, says more than simply “competition,” “defense,” “stamina” or “rivalry” because it contains all those things plus other words that may come to mind as the querent meditates on the image. Pictures speak to us more profoundly than words (don’t believe me? Ask Jung and Campbell). Each tarot card is a world in itself. This concept applies from the most simplistic images to the most intricate of tarot designs. The tarot resonates with our collective unconscious, which when you think about it, is pretty huge. It contains our collective memories and experiences as a species, and humanity existed for many aeons – written history is really just the surface. Tarot connects with those elements of our essence as humanity. A reader reading accurately, and drawing up specific events from seemingly broad symbolism, is working from a mystical perspective. (Image from the Victorian Romantic Tarot, Magic Realist Press)
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